Videos by Octopus Investments Australia
Our latest videos from the team. Watch Sam Reynolds, Sophie Gibbons and Nick Maidment share information from, direct renewable infrastructure investments to why Octopus Investments Australia specialise in renewables.
Octopus Australia
Managing Director Sam Reynolds talks about how Octopus Australia is tapping into 20 years of experience to provide Australians with clean, renewable energy.
The Australian energy opportunity
Managing Director Sam Reynolds takes a look at the Australian energy market and why it represents such a compelling investment opportunity.
Over the next 20-30 years, the ageing coal-fired power station fleet in Australia will gradually be removed from the market, creating a huge space that renewables can operate in. Octopus has this in its sights with a multi-billion dollar pipeline of opportunities.
Renewable infrastructure building Australia’s clean energy future
Key Account Manager Sophie Gibbons looks closely at the unique characteristics of the underlying investments in renewable infrastructure that are building Australia’s clean energy future.
From diversification benefits to the defensive nature of the assets, learn how these investments can strengthen portfolio outcomes for investors.
The Octopus Early Stage Innovation Company
Regional Sales Director Nick Maidment talks about being an Early Stage Innovation Company and what that means for investors.
Find out more about the tax incentives Octopus Australia’s renewable energy offering benefits from thanks to its status as an ESIC and the types of investors it attracts.